The smart man,
While it rains,
Empties his bin into the flood,
Then water moves the dirt,
To the stream,
From the stream to the lagoon,
Upward to the ocean,
From the ocean to your backyard.
Is he really smart?

The smart man,
Dredges the water,
Wants to live by the water,
The water rescinds,
He sand-fills to build,
He builds to taste,
Till water returns to reclaims its shore.
Is he really smart?

The smart man,
He finds oil,
In the deep,
He explores and mixes oil with water,
Destroying many nautical miles,
The water becomes useless for other purposes,
Fishes die,
Fishermen jobless.
Is he really smart?

The smart man,
Respects nature,
Lives with nature,
Does not cheat nature,
Whatever you do to nature,
nature reciprocates!

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